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  • Writer's pictureherndonz


We set a departure time for 9:00 AM. The night before, we had decided to head south and then west for the Shenandoah Parkway. We did not make a reservation because we were just going to see how far we could least that was the plan.

Morning came, we ate, loaded the RV refrigerator, secured everything at home, and boarded the RV. After a brief prayer, we pulled out of our driveway. According to the previous night's plan, we should turn left when we pulled out of our driveway; however, Rick turned north toward Frederick, MD. WHAT??!! He then explained that after I had gone to bed, he decided to head north because we would encounter more of the parks on our list instead of family. An hour into the trip, the rain began. Although the traffic thinned out after about 3 hours, the rain persisted. As we neared the Ohio-Indiana border, we began looking for a campground or RV park. Much to our dismay, no one answered the phone. We didn't realize that campgrounds have hours, and on Sundays, closing time was 4PM. It was now 6:00.

After some time I found a small, Mom-and-Pop campground in Enon, Ohio that was just 1/4 mile off the highway...and it turned out just a 1/4 mile away from railroad tracks with trains that ran all night, blowing their whistle as they approached the highway exit. With that proximity, we were awakened almost every hour!

The campground had two lakes on it which we walked around to stretch our legs after 10 hours of sitting. Close to the office was a live duck sitting on her eggs. She was not afraid of people but proudly maintained her nesting duties as we stood close and took photos. We had left home right after showers, so we did not experience what the bath house was like. We ate our breakfast, and hit the road.

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